杜賓根德文課註冊與分班考 The placement test|Language courses in Tübingen- registration and the placement test

by - 11月 01, 2018

There are multi-steps for the registration of German language courses in Tübingen.

1. 首先,要在開學前先到語言中心諮詢,拿到一張上面有寫時間的紙
First, go to the language center before the semester starts, and you'll get a registration form with a date on it.

2. 在指定的時間帶著這張紙到語言中心
Go to the language center at the designated time and bring the form.
You need to talk with one the teachers. They will give you introductions and suggestions about the courses. Also, you'll have a short German chat with the teacher so that he/she can know if you are qualified for the course.
After the talking, the teacher will fill in and sign on the form.

3. 帶著老師簽名後的紙去繳費
Pay the tuition with the signed form.
All the German courses are based on first-come-first-serve basis, so do everything ASAP.
Most of the courses cost 6 euros excluding textbooks.
Intensive courses are 50 euros.

4. 有些課程會有分班測驗 The placement test
我上的課是German for exchange and erasmus students,分班考只考選擇跟寫作。如果是密集課程的分班考還會考口說。
The placement test is required for some courses to make sure you are in the right level.
I choose German for exchange and erasmus students. The placement test for it only contains multiple choice questions and writing. For intensive courses, speaking test is needed as well.

Below are the questions of the test for A1.2 and A2

選擇45題     45 multiple choice questions
考最多的是陰陽性跟AKK、Dativ的變化(ex.meinem, deinen),所以單字的陰陽性要記熟
The most important thing in the test is "Akk/ Dativ + der, das, die" and verb forms, especially auxiliary verbs.
other things like imperative sentence, nein/doch, mich/mir are also included.

閱讀理解是非題5題     5 yes/no questions
Read a short article and answer the questions

寫作三小題     3 writing questions
– 自我介紹(從哪裡來、興趣、科系等等基本題)   self introduction(home town, hobbies, major, etc.)
– 在杜賓根多久     how long have you stayed in Tübingen?
– 上禮拜做了什麼     what did you do last week?

The writing sheet is very small, so it's a really tiny article. You can fill up the sheet with simply 3 to 5 sentences for each question.

可以參考     See also:
杜賓根選課系統介紹|how to register for a course in Tübingen as an exchange student

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