抵達杜賓根之後...那些該做的事和超早的下班時間|Things you need to do upon arrival in Tübingen

by - 10月 23, 2018

決定寫一篇大整理文造福大眾 (順便為明天語言班選課祈福><)
It is more than complex to settle down in Germany as a non-EU exchange student.

Important documents you should get from each office are colored.
***Notice the opening time of each office. It is common that it only opens till noon or only two days a week.

▲ 宿舍組報到 Get your dorm contract

要入住宿舍要先前往位於 Fichtenweg 5 的宿舍組找 Frau Fischer報到
First you need to go to dorm office at Fichtenweg 5 and find Frau Fischer.
After paying EUR 400 deposit, you'll get your dorm contract.
Then she will tell you where you can find your hausmeister and get the keys.
** you can't get the keys in the dorm office!**
I arrived there at about 4, so I was forced to take the taxi to find my hausmeister...
It costed 10 euros for only ten minutes :(

▲ 找房東 Hausmeister

You will meet your Hausmeister at your dorm.
He will introduce the room and furniture and tell you which is already broken.
If everything is correct, both of you will sign on two sheets.
Definitely keep the Wohnungsgeberbestätigung for city registration.

▲ 入籍 City registration

  1. 房東跟你簽名的那張紙Wohnungsgeberbestätigung
  2. 從宿舍組拿到的合約
  3. 護照
到Schmiedtorstrasse 4 的戶政事務所(我亂翻的XD德文是Bürgeramt)登記你的住址
辦公室分為前後兩個部門,後面的是foreigners' office
入籍完後會拿到一張宇宙重要的紙 Meldebestätigung(類似戶口名簿),之後你不管辦銀行、網卡都會需要它!
Super, super important.
Bring Wohnungsgeberbestätigung, dorm contract and passport to city registration office at Schmiedtorstrasse 4.
Then wait in line in the outer part of the office (not the foreigners' office).
You should leave the city registration office with your Meldebestätigung, which is needed to apply for a bank account and sim card.

▲ 語言班報名 Registration for German courses

報名基本上沒做什麼,就去Wilhelmstrasse 22的語言中心排隊,進去後如果沒有問題要問,工作人員就給你一張有寫繳費時間的紙(下圖),到時候再按照時間來就對了。
The registration is based on first come first serve basis, so do it as early as possible.
Simply go to the language center at Wilhelmstrasse 22 and you'll get a paper with your consulting and paying date.

▲ 找 Frau Simone

Simone是負責交換學生的小姐,辦公室在Nauklerstrasse 2, room 8
去找她會拿到一張to do list,她也會詳細的告訴你要做些什麼
Simone is the one responsible for exchange students. Her office is at Nauklerstrasse 2, room 8
She will give you a to do list.

▲ 保險 Insurance

可以選擇去Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) 或 AOK這兩間公司,帶著你的保險證明、護照跟Meldebestätigung去即可,他們審核過後會給你一張有TK(或AOK)商標的證明文件Versicherungsbescheinigung
If you have private insurance like mawista, you need to verify it at a public insurance company. In Tübingen it's either Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) or AOK.
Things you need to bring are insurance document, passport and Meldebestätigung, and you'll get a confirmation Versicherungsbescheinigung

▲ 註冊組報到 Registration at the Student Office

帶著 Bring
  1. ALMA系統註冊單 ALMA matriculation form
  2. 杜賓根入學許可 admission letter
  3. 護照 passport
  4. 公證後的保險證明 health insurance letter (Versicherungsbescheinigung)
  5. 照片一張 one photo for student ID
去student office註冊,然後就回家等收信了
to student office, and then you can wait for matriculation letters.

▲ 收信 Waiting for letters

德國人 超 級 愛 寄 信
Germans LOVE to send letters.
You'll receive these things in the following weeks:
╴一本很厚的新生本跟學生證 Student ID
學校信箱的帳號密碼 Password for Tübingen campus
social fee繳費通知 social fee bill
很多小紙條組成的紙 Martriculation letter(其中一張要給Simone,一張要拿去買學期票)
德國政府寄來的稅號 Tax number from German Gov.

▲ 辦銀行帳戶 Get a bank account

Bring your passport and Meldebestätigung to any bank of your choice and make a reservation.
Or apply for an online bank and verify your identity in the post.
參考:德國銀行開戶經驗及推薦( N26 / Comdirect / Sparkasse )

▲ 手機sim卡 Sim card or prepaid card

如果是在實體門市如vodafone, telekom, O2等買預付卡的話,
Aldi Talk則可以在家視訊認證,一樣需要護照
If you want an online bank, you need a phone number first.
If you are buying cards in vodafone, telekom, and O2 shops, you need your passport and Meldebestätigung too.
Aldi Talk requires you to verify yourself through web.
參考:德國電信公司推薦及sim網路預付卡選擇(Telekom / Vodafone / Aldi talk / O2)

▲ 選課 Course selection

有的課在八月底就可以寄信報名了,大多是first come first serve
杜賓根德文課 The placement test 考什麼? 
Again, do it as early as possible.
You can register for a course as early as in mid August.
also see my articles: how to register for a course in Tübingen as an exchange student
What is the placement test in Tübingen?

▲ 繳費 Pay social fee

在收到的諸多信之中,有一份是social fee的繳費通知
It's 83.7 euros.

▲ 拿著小紙條再去找Simone   Find Simone again with your matriculation letter

Congratulations! You've done all registrations!

▲ 獎學金報到 Baden-Württemberg Scholarship

有領巴登-符特堡獎學金的人,記得找Frau Juresa報到
她的辦公室在 Wilhelmstrasse 9,會給你一張獎學金證明書、注意事項跟一些紀念品
Remember to find Frau Juresa at Wilhelmstrasse 9 if you receive Baden-Württemberg Scholarship.
She'll give you a proof of the scholarship, reminders and some gifts :)

▲ 領長期居留證 Apply for a temporary residence permit

Only those who are staying longer than their visa permits need a residence permit.


就付錢參加Start或Kompact Kurs吧! 他們會帶你們跑完所有流程,省去不少心力
If you don't want to do all these things by yourself, just go to Start or Kompact Kurs.
They will do all these for you (because you paid a lot 🙃)


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