Yuejin Lantern Festival in Yanshuei, Tainan, Taiwan

by - 1月 31, 2019

When talking about Yanshuei, the first thing pops into people's mind is always "Beehive Festival." However, besides the traditional Beehive Festival, the Lantern Festival is worth a visit as well.
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Yuejin Lantern Festival in Yanshuei, Tainan, Taiwan

Since 2010, Yuejin Harbor in Yanshuei holds an aesthetic lantern festival every year. Instead of the traditional "animal" theme lantern festival, Yuejin comes up with different topics each year. In 2018 it was "Invitation" ; this year (2019) is "Breath with Lights."
Compared to lantern festivals in other cities, the one in Yanshuei is less traditional, but more artistic. 2018 Yuejin Lantern Festival even won a Red dot design award!

Yuejin was the 4th biggest harbor in Taiwan in 18th century, ranked only after Tainan, Lukang and Bangka. However, while the river silted up, Yuejin no longer sits on the waterfront and no longer serves as a harbor.

Theme Lanterns

Theme Lanterns located along both sides of the river, representing works from all over the world. In 2019, Yuejin invites a French team to display their works.
Below I'll show some of my favorite pictures from the lanterns in 2018.
Yuejin Lantern Festival in Yanshuei, Tainan, Taiwan
In the morning, there's only half of the moon above the water. When getting dark, it becomes a complete, shining moon!
Yuejin Lantern Festival in Yanshuei, Tainan, Taiwan
The pupils of the eyes are paintings showing traditional life of Taiwan
Yuejin Lantern Festival in Yanshuei, Tainan, Taiwan
Yuejin Lantern Festival in Yanshuei, Tainan, Taiwan
Raining clouds. All the lanterns look plain at day, but as long as the light turns on, they become gorgeous.

Yuejin Lantern Festival in Yanshuei, Tainan, Taiwan
The bridges connecting the riverbanks are well decorated as well.
Yuejin Lantern Festival in Yanshuei, Tainan, Taiwan
Even the lights on the tree are fantastic.
Yuejin Lantern Festival in Yanshuei, Tainan, Taiwan
The biggest lantern in 2018. It was a taking-off crane and its nest. 

Bajiao (Octagon) Building

At the monument Bajiao (Octagon) Building, there are traditional lanterns created by local students.
Bajiao Building was built in 1847. It was the house of Yeh, a rich family running sugar business. During Japanese colonial period, one of the Japanese royals had stayed in Bajiao Building. After his stay, the building was designated as a monument by the Japanese, till now.
It is named "Bajiao," literally means octagon, because of its octagonal roof. Inside the building there are exquisite carvings, but the thing makes it so special is its second-floor pavilion, which is rare in Taiwanese buildings.
official introduction can be seen here.
Yuejin Lantern Festival in Yanshuei, Tainan, Taiwan
Lanterns at Octagonal Hall are made by students, so they are not that delicate. But the building itself is worth seeing after lightening.

Yanshui Hubi Temple

Around Hubi Temple are animal lanterns, the most common and traditional ones for lantern festival. In Chinese speaking world we have the "zodiac sign," an animal stands for a year. 2018 was the year of dog, and 2019 is the year of pig, so you would find pig drawings and lanterns in every Chinese new year celebrations this year.
Yuejin Lantern Festival in Yanshuei, Tainan, Taiwan

Qiaonan Old Street

Yanshuei is one of the oldest city in Taiwan, so definitely there's an old street. As long as there's an old street, 99.9% that you can find a night market.
The must-eat here is Yanshuei Egg Nooldes "鹽水意麵"
Yuejin Lantern Festival in Yanshuei, Tainan, Taiwan

Other activities: Flower sea on Xinyi Road

Before the sun goes down, you can take a stroll in the flower sea on Xinyi Road. Not far from the theme lanterns.
Yuejin Lantern Festival in Yanshuei, Tainan, Taiwan

Other activities: Yongcheng Theater

Yongcheng Theater was a rice mill during Japanese colony, and it turned to a theater after Japanese left. It was the biggest theater in Yanshuei, and was where moderns and the rich socializing. Unfortunately, as time passed by, the theater was closed in 2000.
It becomes a memorial of old Yanshuei now. People can visit it on Wednesday to Friday in the afternoon, and on weekends.
Yongcheng Theater now displays traditional art performances, like Puppetry, Chinese music, and nostalgic movies.
More information on the official website here.
Yuejin Lantern Festival in Yanshuei, Tainan, Taiwan

Other activities: Yanshuei Beehive Fireworks

Holding by Yanshuei Martial Temple, Beehive firework is the most well-know activity in Taiwan on Lantern Festival. It is ranked the third biggest folk celebration in the world.
Beehive fireworks originated in 19th century, when an epidemic burst out. People were freaking panic, so they prayed to Guan Di, the god of war, for help. The God then decided to have a patrol in Yanshuei, and let the people setting off firecrakers behind him to scared the epidemic away.

Be well-prepared and careful when participating in this event! A helmet and a thick jacket are necessary to protect yourselves from the fireworks!
The date of Yanshuei Beehive Fireworks this year is from 18/02/2019 to 20/02/2019. 
Yanshuei beehive fireworks
Photo credit to Taiwan tourism events

2019 Yuejin Lantern Festival

From 02. Feb. 2019 to 03. Mar. 2019

Public Transportation

  • High speed rail to Chiayi Station, and then
    1. Transfer bus 166 (166電動巴士) to Yanshuei station(鹽水). 
    2. Transfer bus "Yellow 9" to Xinying(新營) train station. Then take bus Brown Line (棕幹線), Brown 1(棕1), Brown 2(棕2), Brown 3(棕3) from Xinying train station to Qiaonan Old Street(橋南老街) or Yanshuei station
  • Trains:To Xinying station, then take bus Brown Line (棕幹線), Brown 1(棕1), Brown 2(棕2), Brown 3(棕3) to Qiaonan Old Street(橋南老街) or Yanshuei station
Yuejin Lantern Festival official facebook fanspage:月津港燈節 yuejin lantern festival
Yuejin Lantern Festival official website:https://www.yuejinlanternfestival.com/?fbclid=IwAR2hWZf_Z4dM_gyh3jjMQ-74_L88Ug9J_MBjzPt3pAd9XQ3Kaujpi8EOSJY

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