綠島吃喝玩樂及心得|Things to do on Green Island

by - 1月 15, 2019

這篇主要是綠島的特色、簡介以及個人的心得,綠島詳細的景點介紹在這篇文章:人生壯舉之騎腳踏車環綠島&景點介紹|Biking around Green Island & introductions

套裝行程 package tour

It is easy and cheap to buy a package tour of Green Island from your hotel or travel agency.
A 3-day package normally includes boat tickets, harbor transfer to the hotel, accommodation, breakfast, a scooter or electric scooter, a night tour and a day activity. You can choose one day activity from snorkeling, hot spring or semi-glass-submarine.
A package can be as cheap as 2700 NTD, but remember you get what you paid.

購物 Shopping

There's only a shopping road on Green Island, located between the harbor and the airport. You could find souvenirs, food and 7-11 here.
綠島地圖 green island

監獄紀念品 prison souvenirs

我的心聲XD 綠島稱之為火燒島真不是蓋的。
Because of the remoteness, the government has built 3 prisons on this small island, imprisoning those felony criminals. In the civil law period (1949-1987) of Taiwan, many anti-government campaigner and communists were sent to Green Island-- without any trails.
Today, Green Island prisons are still used to imprison the most felonious criminals, and therefore the islanders launch many related souvenirs. You can easy find a shop on the main street.

吃牢飯 prison meal
Stay in a prison when having your meal! Though the food is too good for prisoners!

鹿肉乾 dried venison

Due to the good prices of antlers and venison in the past, Green Islanders started to feed Formosan sika deer. Today, it is no longer popular to feed deer, but still popular for people to buy dried venison as a souvenir.

找梅花鹿 Formosan sika deer

You can find Formosan sika deer in the ecological park on green island, or join a night tour and do a hunt. If you are lucky enough, you can see wild deer hiding in long grasses.

浮潛或潛水 Snorkeling and Diving


It's getting more and more popular to snorkel and dive on Green Island because of the rich categories of tropical fishes and coral reefs. Kuroshio Current passing by the island, bringing warmth and nutrition for the world under the sea
If you are near-sighted, you can rent special goggles. If you want to take pictures under sea, you can also rent a camera.
The day before and the day of snorkeling should be sunny and the sea should be calm, otherwise the fishes just hide inside the reefs.

泡溫泉 Jhaorih hot spring

朝日溫泉 green island Jhaorih hot spring

Green island proudly owns one of the three ocean hot springs in the world. Besides Jhaorih hot spring on green island, the other two are in Italy and Japan.
"Jhaorih" literally means "sun in the morning," so it's obvious that the best timing to go to the hot spring is at sunrise. The other option is at night so that you can watch the stars and enjoy the bath at the same time.

看星星、螢火蟲 Stars and fire worms

There are less light pollution on Green island, so it's ideal for stargazing.
In summer, there are also fire worms. If you join a night tour, the guide will show you where they are.

海草冰 seaweed ice cream

綠島海草冰、監獄冰 seaweed ice
It sounds weird but actually the seaweed tastes nothing special, just try it!

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