人生壯舉之騎腳踏車環綠島&景點介紹|Biking around Green Island & Introductions
到綠島的交通方式 Transportation to Green Island
Step 1. 火車搭至台東火車站或巴士到台東轉運站Taking trains to Taitung Train Station or Buses to Taitung Bus Station
Step 2. 轉公車(普悠瑪客運-陸海空快線、台灣好行-東部海岸線)或計程車至富岡漁港,公車時刻表可至官網查看
Taking buses (Puyuma Bus, Taiwan Trip bus) or taxi to Fugang Harbor. Bus timetable can be found here. (It is in Chinese but Google translation works well, at least in English)
Step 3. 搭船至綠島
Taking boat to Green Island
綠島的交通工具 Transportation on Green Island
環島路線 Route
If you go clockwise, you would go uphill with a short but very very steep slope.
In contrast, going counterclockwise you would go through a longer, gentle slope.
景點 Attractions
基本上都有在上圖那張google map上了You can find all of the attractions on google map or as shown above.
大白沙 Dabaisha beach
Dabaisha literally means "big and white beach," and it sure is. A good place to relax and do some instagram pictures lol
Dabaisha literally means "big and white beach," and it sure is. A good place to relax and do some instagram pictures lol
帆船鼻 FanChuanBi grassland
PLEASE definitely come here!!
Enjoy the green and freshness and the gradients of the sea here, and I would say it's my favorite site on the island.
This grassland is right next to the hot spring, so you can reach here by bus as well.
朝日溫泉 Jhaorih Hot Spring
Green island is famous for two things: the prison and Jhaorih hot spring. More details in the other article: 綠島的吃喝玩樂及心得|Things to do on Green Island
哈巴狗與睡美人 Pekinese and Sleeping Beauty
Here is the most well-known coastline, because it is the most recognizable one in all the "themed" rocks on the island. Not faraway is the Confucius Rock, which I didn't even take a picture since I didn't realize that I had passed by lol
小長城 little great wall
我們只在路旁的涼亭眺望小長城,因為看到那條樓梯沒!請不要指望兩個剛騎腳踏車上來這個最高點的女子走上去!The highest point of the Round-Island Road. I'm not sure what you can see over there since I was worn out from biking up the slope and didn't clime up the stairs.
柚子湖 Youzihhu
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(意外發現用油畫特效的照片也蠻好看的XD) |
Youzihhu is the oldest village on green island. And again I didn't go there. The way to Youzihhu is so steep and bending that stopped me from visiting with bike.
觀音洞 Guanyin cave
這是一座在天然石洞裡的小廟,有一尊天然的石頭神似觀音,因此人們才建廟供奉。除此之外還有一些須發揮想像力才能看出來的天然石頭動物們,如果不是旅館的導遊指給我們看根本不會注意到。There's a natural rock that looks like Guanyin (a goddess) in a natural stone cave, so people built a temple for the goddess. There are also some natural animal-shaped rocks here, but, as I mentioned, you need a lot of imaginations to find them.
燕子洞 Yanzi Cave
In the past, here was the place to execute prisoners from Green Island Prison. Notice that on the way to the beach there are a bunch of graves, if you are afraid or have taboos just don't come.
But the sand and reef are beautiful here.
人權園區 Lüdao (Green Island) Culture Park
關於白色恐怖最真實的紀錄。尤其展覽中有幾封受刑人寫給妻女家人的遺書,見之真的讓人心絞痛不已。A memorial of the civil law period of Taiwan. During that time many people were sent to Green island prison and executed simply because they thought differently from the government, or because a false accusation.
將軍岩 General Rock
同樣需要發揮想像力,才能看出來是身披盔甲的將軍。Uh huh, it is a general.
綠島燈塔 Green Island lighthouse
There is a small beach and a lagoon below the lighthouse. The lagoon is shallow but enough to swim inside, with safety.
There is a small beach and a lagoon below the lighthouse. The lagoon is shallow but enough to swim inside, with safety.
阿嬤的海草蛋餅 Grandma's seaweed egg roll
Fresh seaweed from the reef and it doesn't really have a special taste. Good to try though.
文章太長了,關於綠島可以進行的活動、簡短歷史、食物、跟個人心得就放在下一篇:綠島的吃喝玩樂及心得|Things to do on Green Island
More activities and brief history of Green Island, please read: 綠島的吃喝玩樂及心得|Things to do on Green Island