國際學伴計畫|International Companions for Learning (ICL) in NTU

by - 10月 16, 2018

If you want to...
☑ not just be a tourist, but also experience authentic/ aboriginal culture
☑ enjoy free trips to the countryside of Taiwan

☑ meet local friends and people from all over the world
☑ share your own stories and cultures
☑ get 2 credits by doing the above🌟🌟🌟
...then ICL is your best choice!

international students experiencing traditional Dragon Dance with ICL in ShenAo elementary school
Dragon dance at ShenAo Elementary School (深澳國小), Keelung (基隆), Taiwan

Sponsored by Ministry of Education, International Companions for Learning- ICL is a volunteer program for students in National Taiwan University (NTU), especially for exchange students. The Director is Prof. Jiun-Huei Proty Wu, and I'm the student assistant.

Started in 2015, the aim of ICL is to enhance intercultural communication and connect countryside kids to the world.
Here's a 30-sec trailer:

The best part of ICL is the school visit at the end of every semester! The program will send you to the countryside schools to meet your little students for FREE. Some of the schools are on the remote islands of Taiwan, and some are the aboriginal tribes in the deep deep mountains. We hope by doing so, international students can have an insight about local cultures, and experience life outside of Taipei. At the same time, we can contribute to countryside education, showing the kids how big and amazing the world is.

During the trips, we explore the neighborhoods and experience cultural activities like calligraphy, weaving, dragon dance, Chinese yoyo...
And of course, enjoy local food.
Aboriginal tribe in Nantou, Taiwan. With ICL.
Indigenous"Atayal" children (泰雅族) at FaSiang Elementary School (發祥國小), Nantou (南投), Taiwan
Fruits prepared by ICL participant schools in Nantou, Taiwan
 Food and fruits provided by the kind "Bunun" (布農族) people at Tribe Luluna (羅娜), Nantou (南投), Taiwan
international participants of ICL sightseeing in Kinmen, Taiwan
Sightseeing at Kinmen (金門), Taiwan 

Wanna take part in our program?  All you have to do is to share your own culture and have fun with the kids in weekly skype sessions, and a short review each week. One international student will be paired up with one local student as a translator, so don't worry about language barrier.
What's more: you can get 2 credits and 2 certificates (one from Ministry of Education, one from NTU) at the same time!

Currently we have almost 400 volunteers and 60 cooperated countryside schools every semester. If you are going to be an international student in NTU, don't hesitate to join ICL! 

You can find more at our fan page https://www.facebook.com/icl.tw
or contact me for more details

Being a volunteer for 3 years and student assistant for 2 years, I still find ICL an meaningful activity and worth devoting myself to. One of the best things of the job is to see people from different cultures building friendship through our activities. I also met some life-long friends and have wonderful memories in ICL trips.

Showing the beauty of Taiwan to the world is also amazing. I get to visit those remote but gorgeous places in Taiwan and fall in love with my lovely country again and again. And it's proud to see foreigners have the same feelings as I do- know what? besides night markets and Taipei 101, there're more to explore on this charming island.

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